
EA One Nine Five, the parent company of the brand One Nine Five and retail platform One95.Us, is a retailer and distributor of its own brand and other brands from across the world. The company was founded by its owner Ena Alforque-Walters, a native of California and operates out of Lemon Grove, California.

The brand One Nine Five was created for sensual women ages 18 to 65 that desire to look graceful, sophisticated, classy, and chic. Our designs consist of very elegant, modish, and sexy garments with everyday effortless wearability. However, One Nine Five is more than a brand, it's a connection to people around the world through fashion.

Wherever you are on this Earth, throughout all 195 nations, One Nine Five wants you to BE beautiful, powerful, confident, sexy, fierce, rare and treasured. Forever.

The platform One95.Us was created to give diverse businesses a platform to sell their goods. By June 2023, vendors from around the world will be allowed to register at https://One95.Us to sell their fashions and accesories.
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